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The goal of nfportalutils is to provide convenience functions for project and (meta)data management in the NF-OSI data portal scope. Currently, develop branch is default so package install and docs refer to code in this branch.

[!WARNING] For the last relatively stable version of nfportalutils, please install at

Currently, the package is in a refactoring period where usage is complex because of the coexistence of both synapser and separate synapseclient import. This will be updated when everything is 100% refactored to synapser.

[!NOTE] Underlying dependencies tested for this package are synapser==1.3.0 and synapseclient==3.1.1. There are known breaking issues for MacOS and Windows with the newer versions for now.


You should first install synapser following the instructions here.

Then you can install nfportalutils with:


Additional Notes for Users

Additional Notes for Contributors

Contrib workflow

  • Branch off develop and make changes
  • Run devtools::check(vignettes = FALSE) early and often, and definitely before submitting a PR
  • Make a pull request to develop; this will run R-CMD-CHECK and pkgdown
  • Request a reviewer if both checks pass
  • Reviewer requests changes or merges

Local development tips

  • Some vignettes need to be precomputed.
  • Again, run devtools::check(vignettes = FALSE) early and often.
  • At minimal, address any ERRORS and WARNINGS.
  • Yes, we do have a lot of NOTES that need to be resolved.
  • For custom indexing after adding/updating functions, edit the _pkgdown.yml.
  • Preview the pkg docs site locally with pkgdown::build_site().

Code of Conduct

Please note that the nfportalutils project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.