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This explains several access-related utilities and use cases where they’re helpful.

Set up

synapser::synLogin(authToken = Sys.getenv("SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN"))

Give selected access to an individual or team

Sometimes a selected set of private (embargoed) data needs to made available to a collaborator or other researcher outside the project. One way to go about this is to identify the file ids, add the individual/team to the (this creates local sharing settings), and then collect those files into a dataset so a single dataset link can be shared (this makes it easier especially if files are spread across multiple folders).

The main convenience util to do this is grant_specific_file_access. To test it out, we create a data folder, and then create and upload mock files.

project_id <- "syn26462036" # this the NF-dev-playground project, replace with your own dev project if needed
folder <- synapser::Folder(name = paste("Demo Dataset -", Sys.Date()), parent = project_id)
folder <- synapser::synStore(folder)
folder_id <- folder$properties$id

# create some temp files with same mock data
file_paths <- mock_files(3)
syn_files <- list()
for(path in file_paths) {
  file <- synapser::File(path = path, parent = folder_id)
  sf <- synapser::synStore(file)
  syn_files <- c(syn_files, sf)

file_ids <- sapply(syn_files, function(x) x$properties$id)

Now let’s use the function to share with NF-OSI Team as the collaborator (replace example with appropriate project id that you own).

outside_collaborator <- "3342573" # use another appropriate example id if needed
grant_specific_file_access(principal_id = outside_collaborator,
                           entity_ids = file_ids, 
                           create_dataset = T, 
                           project_id = project_id, 
                           dataset_name = NULL) # optional 

Clean up by removing the mock folder and files. You can delete the dataset through the UI.


Survey files downloadable for Synapse registered users

There’s often reference to “public” files, which usually means files that are viewable + downloadable to Synapse users. If we just have a fileview with ids of the files, how do we know which ones are “public”? The group of Synapse users has id 273948, and we can use a util called summarize_file_access, passing in this group id, the permissions we’re checking, and the fileview id.

public_access <- summarize_file_access(principal_id = 273948, "DOWNLOAD", "syn16858331")

The results should show that summarize_file_access’s first step is identifying all the unique benefactors (the parent container that sets the permissions on the child files) and the current permissions, then compiles a summary number of files under that benefactor.

For an even more summarized breakdown as proportions:

public_access[, .(n_files = sum(N)), by = access][, .(access, n_files, proportion = n_files / sum(n_files))]

Some nuances

Always use the most current fileview because of the benefactor lookup; inaccurate results might be returned otherwise.