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This primarily supports wiki quality control. The method wraps some helpers to retrieve the wiki content for the given project(s), extract URL(s) from the content, and return a list of link check results per project wiki. Note that only the main wiki page is checked. As well, this does not remove/replace the problematic link(s), and there still may be false positive/negatives that may need to be reviewed manually.


check_wiki_links(project_id, to_table = TRUE)



Character vector of synapse project id(s) for which to get wiki.


TRUE to return results as table or else keep as a list. Additional downstream operations may prefer one or the other.


Depending on to_table, a list or tibble of projects with links and check results for links. The list will include projects without links (as an empty list), while the table will omit projects without links.


if (FALSE) {
check_wiki_links(project_id = c("syn11374354","syn2343195"))