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This is a schema change operation that updates 1) column type to list and 2) sets a new max string length parameter of a Synapse Table (usually shrinking the max value). It can optionally consult a metadata model about a good max string length. (and might handle max list length in the future if that could be encoded in the model as well). When a model is consulted, as a built-in check an error will be thrown if the data model doesn't recognize the key being changed, i.e. when one wants to be strict about a key in the Table not documented by the model. When there is no model to involve (schema = NULL), the max string length will simply be set based on the current values after processing the delimited list (the original code).


  sep = ",",
  trim_ws = TRUE,
  schema = NULL,
  dry_run = TRUE



The synapse id of a fileview. Must have the desired annotations in the schema, and must have the files to annotate included in the scope. Must have write access to the files you want to re-annotate.


A character string of the annotation to switch from a delimited string to a stringlist.


The delimiter in the character string. Default = ",".


Remove white space at the beginning and end of list items (e.g. "NF1, NF2" and "NF1,NF2" will yield the same STRING_LIST result). Default = TRUE.


Optional, path to a readable .jsonld schema to use for setting new col schema. See details.


Skip upload to table and instead prints study tibble. Default = TRUE.


If dry_run == T, returns list of updates and skips upload.