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R wrapper for validation workflow with schematic. Because there is no validation-only service endpoint, we move metadata around twice (generating manifest from server and submitting back to server), so once schematic has a validation-only service endpoint that would be much more efficient. A dataset in this context is a folder, usually tagged with contentType = "dataset".


  data_type = NULL,
  asset_view = "syn16787123",
  schema_url =
  cleanup = TRUE



Id of folder that represents a dataset, not actual Synapse dataset entity -- see details.


A specific data type to validate against, otherwise tries to infer based on annotations. See details.


A reference view, defaults to the main NF portal fileview.


Schema URL, points by default to 'latest' main NF schema, can change to use a specific released version.


Whether to automatically remove reconstituted manifests once done. Default TRUE.


List of structure list(result = result, notes = notes), where result indicates passing or NA if no data or if couldn't be validated for other reasons.


Note that we prefer to wrap the schematic web API over a local installation because:

  • Will not require user to go through local schematic setup for this to be functional

  • API more likely reflects an up-to-date version of schematic and consistent with current DCA deployment

When data_type can't be inferred based on annotations, this is treated as a fail.

Status: alpha and likely to change based on changes in schematic.