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This introduces the annotation utilities with typical examples. This is expected to be the more useful starting point for using nfportalutils for annotation tasks, to be followed by the more specialized vignetted for annotating NF processed data if needed.

Set up



# Change this to a dev project you have access to  
PROJECT <- "syn26462036"

Set annotations on a single file

Create a demo entity.

synapseclient <- reticulate::import("synapseclient")
# Create an entity with some initial annotations
entity <- synapseclient$Folder("Demo Entity",
                               parent = PROJECT,
                               annotations = list(foo = "bar", favorites = c("raindrops", "whiskers")))

entity <- .syn$store(entity)

set_annotations can be used to add new annotations or correct an existing annotation on an entity. This wraps the Python client to make it more intuitive to pass in an R list as the annotations as above. Here, add another annotation and correct the favorites to “chocolate”. The returned data shows the unchanged foo, the updated favorites, and a new n.

set_annotations(id = entity$properties$id, annotations = list(favorites = "chocolate", n = 7L))



Annotate in batch using a manifest

A better way to use set_annotations for a set of entities, usually files.

First create multiple entities that need to be annotated or corrected in batch.

objs <- make_folder(parent = PARENT_TEST_PROJECT, folders = c("mock_file_1", "mock_file_2", "mock_file_3"))
ids <- sapply(objs, function(x) x$properties$id)

Create example manifest. Note: Another way includes reading in a shematic csv manifest with entityIds and Filenames.

manifest <- data.table(
     entityId = ids,
     assay = "drugScreen",
     experimentalTimepoint = c(1L, 3L, 7L),
     experimentalTimepointUnit = "days",
     cellType = list(c("schwann", "macrophage"), c("schwann", "macrophage"), c("schwann", "macrophage"))



for (id in ids) .syn$delete(id)