Updates a set of files with project-level annotations.
Adds studyId, studyName, initiative, funder annotations to a set of files from a fileview query. Assumes that projectId==studyId. You must have the Synapse default view column "type" present in your view. After running this function, changes may take a few minutes to propagate through Synapse.
- study_table_id
The synapse id of the portal study table.
- fileview_id
The synapse id of a fileview. Must have the desired annotations in the schema, and must have the files to annotate included in the scope. Must have write access to the files you want to re-annotate.
- annotations
A vector of annotations to gather from the study table, and assign to the files.
- dry_run
Default = TRUE Skips upload of annotations unless set to FALSE.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
update_study_annotations(study_table_id = "syn16787123",
fileview_id = "syn16858331",
annotations = c("studyId","studyName","initiative","fundingAgency"),
dry_run = T)
} # }